Equally important as the research…


Under-graduate courses:

  • Animal Biology I: Basal Phyla & Protostomes
  • Ethology
  • Biogeography
  • Biodiversity & Conservation Biology

Post-graduate courses:

  • Sampling, Data Analysis and Ecological Models
  • Biodiversity assessment and monitoring of species and habitats

All course material is freely available online at: https://eclass.upatras.gr/ of the University of Patras



Translations of scientific textbooks and popular science books in Greek

Participation in the translation teams of the books:


Scientific textbooks:

  1. Pianka ER (2000) Evolutionary Ecology. Pearson Education
  2. Willmer P, Stone G, Johnston I (2004) Environmental Physiology of Animals. Wiley-Blackwell
  3. Miller SA, Harley JP (2016) Zoology. MacGrow-Hill
  4. Hickman C-Jr., Roberts L, Keen S, Larson A, Eisenhour D (2018) Animal Diversity. MacGrow-Hill
  5. Relyea R, Ricklefs R (2018) Ecology: The Economy of Nature 8e. W.H. Freeman
  6. Rubenstein DR, Alcock J (2019) Animal Behavior. Oxford University Press
  7. Rowe G, Sweet M, Beebee TJC (2017) An Introduction to Molecular Ecology. Oxford University Press

Popular science books:

  1. Kampourakis K (2014) Understanding Evolution. Cambridge University Press
  2. Schilthuizen M (2014) Nature’s Nether Regions. Penguin Books
  3. Schilthuizen M (2018) Darwin Comes to Town. Quercus Books